Thursday 30 August 2018

Old is not enough

Is it possible to start a new business and hit the nail fast. yes

when? when you do something good for your clients!

Apple does something good for the clients pics, access easiness design etc....

Resultado de imagem para world banks by market cap 2018

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Two speeds

What a pro growth agenda can do! I know this decoupling was already in place before Trump but it looks like Trump gave it a boost.

Monday 27 August 2018

holidays in the Mountains

i just spent one week in the Mountains in the tip of Portugal.

it's very relaxing without people just nature and wild horses. Always hot no morning fog like the beach and the prices are low. i read 4 books. 

Monday 13 August 2018

A possible future

After 16 years doing nothing is it possible that we will have a new Bull like in 1982-2000?

I like this both this graphs from Ciovacco Capital and from the great Gave Kal Service. The 1982-2000 Bull done with plenty of big problems in the world. 

Can the market go up with big problems?
Yes it CAN

Howe to Play this Bull market?

i have some ideas....................

I was on National TV Saturday

I did a stage of Portugal PRO Tour , the most difficult one, with 3 category 1 mountain climbs finishing in Senhora da Graça, a very steep wall. I was invited by the organization in a group of amateur cyclists we started 4 hours before the real peloton.

I was interviewed when i finished !

it was a great day in the mountains.

Thank you

Why Complicate?

Things change but they don't change a lot

my advice 

study something new that is not on this list or study something that is well paid.

be of service is a very important thing. To study something that is not needed in this world is not a great idea. It's selfish and you pay for that.

From Visual Capitalist

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Some Kostolany wisdom

Cuando voy a un restaurante no pido lo que recomienda el camarero, ya que es precisamente de lo que se quiere deshacer.

Hay hombres que hablan inteligentemente pero actúan como estúpidos, y outros que hablen como tontos pero actúan con inteligencia.

Una acción puede subir un 1,000 ó incluso un 10.000 por ciento, pero sólo puede caer, como máximo un 100 por ciento.

We are in a bull market

From Bloomberg:

        This time, the S&P 500's push to a record high can last.

         The relative-strength index shows the rally has yet to reach overbought levels.
         The opposite was the case at the end of January. The market then was the most overdone since the 
         1960s, based on the RSI gauge. The selloff that followed sent shares crashing down 12% over two 


It's cheap to visit poor countries again

 JPMorgan index of emerging market currencies hit a multi-year low. 

Sorry but i don't see inflation!

Stock market and the economy are very different animals

"La bolsa atraviesa un período de histeria y sus cambios oscilan en un zig zag incontrolable; abajo, arriba, abajo. Es como un hombre que pasea con su perro por la calle. El hombre sigue su paso de manera continua y regular: esto es la industria. El perro corre, avanza, salta de un lado para otro, regresa donde está su dueño, se adelanta de nuevo y así sucesivamente. Su camino se parece al que siguen las acciones y los valores, con sus mismos movimientos de avance y retroceso. Pero ambos siguen avanzando, el dueño y el perro, y finalmente llegan a la meta de su paseo. Mientras el hombre ha andado un kilómetro, su perro, para hacer el mismo camino, habrá recorrido dos o tres veces esa distancia. Así se mueven los cambios en una Bolsa desordenada. Dan dos pasos adelante y un paso atrás, pero acompañan en su avance a la expansión industrial."
André Kostolany - El Fabuloso Mundo de la Bolsa y el Dinero

Sometimes i see people complaining that the market is not doing what it should do! my view is that the market in the short run can do anything it's a game it's emotions etc... don't pretend the stock market is science and everything is easier