Tuesday 24 October 2023

That does not kill you

Is it better to hire a parson that had a impeccable life everything smooth, no wrong , no disaster ever  or someone that had problems and overcome them?? 

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” 

Friedrich Nietzsche

Never complain

 “Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.”

― Lou Holtz

“Don't be overheard complaining ... not even to yourself.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Nature does not hurry

when we are light and fit we are doing everything according to nature

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

Lao Tzu

Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do.

Michel de Montaigne

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Amor fati


So, understand your situation from a greater perspective. Don't think that what s happening to you is unfair or unjustified; what is happening to you at all the times is just what should be happening.

Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu

The root of suffering is attachment.


Show me the incentive

 "The rabbit runs faster than the fox because the rabbit is running for his life while the fox is only running for his dinner."

— Aesop "Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome." — Charlie Munger

Sunday 15 October 2023

Friday 13 October 2023

Stand alone to win BIG

The only serious money I have made came when I have stood alone with a unique perception as to what was happening to a company, an industry a country, or even the western world.

Martin Sosnoff

this is why you will never make money with anything that is in the front page of a newspaper, if it's in the first page it's in the price.

What is obvious never makes money

Tuesday 10 October 2023

anything can happen, anything

 One day everything is fine , next day in the Tarmac & Hospital

No broken collarbone, back home.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius

"A happy person isn’t someone who’s happy all the time. It’s someone who effortlessly interprets events in such a way that they don’t lose their innate peace."

Friday 6 October 2023

funds with facial unattractive managers outperform funds with attractive managers by over 2% per annum

According to Nassim Taleb if you want to choose a doctor you should always choose the ugly one, that makes sense because they had to overcome a lot to reach where they are now. Attractive people benefit from help all the way. Now we know that if a fund manager is "less attractive" he also had to overcome a lot. The world is fair, the very poor have a will to win that the rich kids don't have and that is a big equalizer. Now we know that the unattractive do better than the.... Everything is well.

 In this paper, we study the relationship between stock fund managers’ facial attractiveness and fund outcomes. Utilizing the state-of-art deep learning technique to quantify facial attractiveness, we find that funds with facial unattractive managers outperform funds with attractive managers by over 2% per annum. We next show that good-looking managers attract significant higher fund flow especially if the funds are available on Fintech platforms where their photos are accessible to investors. Good-looking managers also have greater chance of promotion and tend to move to small firms. The potential explanations for their underperformance include inadequate ability, insufficient effort, overconfidence and inefficient site visits.


Wednesday 4 October 2023

We have decided to side with the many

We have decided to side with the many.

all the companies that decide to help the customer instead of taking the money from the customer are doing very well. Not companies that lose money in everything they do and have to raise capital over and over. Companies that do good and make money. IKEA is exactly that. 

you just have to be right once

 "One thing that's important in entrepreneurship is you just have to be right once. You get many many shots on goal. ... But you really only have to be right once."


“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt, Looking Forward

“This is not a new idea; this is the idea of the age of reason. This is the philosophy that guided the men that made the democracy that we live under. The idea that no one really knew how to run a government led to the idea that we should arrange a system by which new ideas could be developed, tried out, and tossed out if necessary, with more new ideas brought in—a trial and error system.”
― Richard P. Feynman, What Do You Care What Other People Think?

If you have a stop loss you can do anything. the stop loss is more important than the signal. You can do whatever you want in life. You can live with whoever you want, buy houses, stocks Funds, coins, cryptos, paints etc...

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Never let the future disturb you

Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.

Marcus Aurelius

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.

Albert Einstein

Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself.

Andrew Carnegie

Monday 2 October 2023

A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else

Most things take time, stay with your thing enough time and the results will show up. Focus & persistence are the keys for everything. Multitask is a disaster. The cartoon below is a different message unrelated, but I thought it nice. have a great day thank you for reading my Blog.

Patience is the companion of wisdom.

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.