Friday 2 August 2024

The difference between successful people and really successful people is

 Warren Buffett once said: "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything." 

“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” Josh Billings

One plan to attain Financial Independence 8 steps (saying no to many things opens...)

1.Forget about politics. Unless you want to be corrupt and make dirty money politics does not put money in you pocket.

2.Forget your I-Phone unless you are a influencer and use the Phone to make money, if you have less than 100,000 followers forget the Cell -Phone (Cell= Prison) put on mute and just speak with your family and friends.(A Nokia will do). The phone can destroy your marriage.

3.Forget Social media, same as 2, if you are a influencer you can  otherwise forget it does not put money in your pocket.

4.Forget news. You can't make money with news unless you know what are the news in 1 year time. Everything that is in todays news is already in the price. Besides the news depress you making you think that you have problems that you don't have.

5.Forget shopping, anything that you don't use every week don't buy , rent. Don't own stuff. You probably don't need it. Is it necessary? probably not.

6.Say no to most things invitations etc.. Most of the things get you no where. don't get distracted , read, work, do some sport and save some money.

7.Invest your savings, create a second income and one day you will live from it. Some things work, Buy stocks, Buy funds ETF's what works forget the news. If the is a tax incentive to invest use it.

This is where I have all my savings besides real estate.

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