I love my country, not my government

Saturday, July 31, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson

“There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”
― Ayn Rand

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Differentiate or Die

Friday, July 30, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


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The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE

Thursday, July 29, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

   “The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”

― Napoleon Hill 

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Everything in moderation, including moderation

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


Everything in moderation, including moderation

Julia Child

“Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.”
― Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain

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Climate change

Sunday, July 25, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 Of course there is Climate change. Question is if there was always climate change or this is completely new. 

The rate of disaster is not happening. Al Gore predictions didn't pan out that we know.

2020 was a year that people flew less , drove less, etc.. the results are out, no big change in CO2. Strange.

Acid rain in Europe ( in the 80's)didn't happen.

Mad cow disease didn't happen to the extent that people predicted. Far from that. 

I am totally pro saving nature, I am a cyclist I love to be in the mountains etc... The only hope for nature is technology,  going back to the middle ages is stupid. Wind is a middle age technology.

“Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago? How did they work out? Didn't you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them? Didn't most of them turn out all right after all?”
― Dale Carnegie

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My job doesn't have meaning!

Friday, July 23, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


Everything that we do that benefit a client, that someone is paying for is useful. Price is a sign of value. 

That is why money is a sign of doing something good. The idea that money is evil is completely wrong.

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Data is not information

Thursday, July 22, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 A lot of people know things, facts but they never thought about what works, why some people succeed and others struggle . Some people can't figure out that if they are doing the same  as everybody else they are easily replaced. They are not unique or special.

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
― Thomas Jefferson

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Choose people who choose you.

Thursday, July 22, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 I am a great believer in not forcing things. Sometimes I lose too much time investing in things that I get no feedback, in people that give nothing back. I need to do like Jay Shetty the Buddhist MONK

Choose people who choose you. — Jay Shetty

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Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise

Monday, July 19, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 The optimists and the pessimists: I have been studying them for the past twenty-five years. The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault. The optimists, who are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world, think about misfortune in the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, that its causes are confined to this one case. The optimists believe defeat is not their fault: Circumstances, bad luck, or other people brought about. Such people are unfazed by defeat. Confronted by a bad situation, they perceive it as a challenge and try harder.

Learned Optimism: Martin Seligman on Happiness, Depression, and the Meaningful Life

Harvard psychologist Laura Kubzansky has chosen to study optimism. In a large study she tracked 1,300 men for 10 years and found that heart-disease rates among men who called themselves optimistic were half the rates for men who didn't. The differences between the two groups was as dramatic as that seen between smokers and non smokers.

Some ideas:

“Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.”
― Dalai Lama XIV

“I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.”
― Antonio GramsciGramsci's Prison Letters

Optimism and stupidity are nearly synonymous.”
― Hyman G. Rickover

“Optimists think badly, but live well.”
― Marty Rubin

My take, obviously optimists are happier than pessimists. The question is can optimism be thought ? apparently Martin Seligman believes that is the case.

One thing makes a big difference is to think nothing is permanent and this I know it's true. everything changes. I have a good cyclist friend that had a heart problem. The doctor said , no more bike. He forgot the bikes for one year or two. Now he back in force. Nothing is permanent. 

I had a big crash in Mont blanc in 1994. I was taken off the mountain in a Heli. broke my left leg badly. My boot turned outside!  Doctor said no more sports except swimming. I have been racing bikes for 30 years.. Nothing is forever.

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”
― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

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Nothing New

Sunday, July 18, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”

― Thomas Jefferson

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No surprise here !

Monday, July 12, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


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We literally landed a man on the moon 52 years ago.

Sunday, July 11, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 From Paranoid Bull

We literally landed a man on the moon 52 years ago. Now people are gobsmacked we are getting back to space. More like #lostdecades. Glad to get back to Progress. We have a lot of time to make up.

We spend the last 20 years inventing Facebook , Netflix & Instagram perhaps it's time to invent something useful again. We lost the last 2 or 3 decades doing nothing besides Healthcare. My prediction is that energy will be free soon and it's not Green energy that is very expensive, this is the place to put research money. Energy is life, without cheap energy we will be back to the middle age.

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Just do it

Thursday, July 08, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

Dale Carnegie

“If someone gave me a choice of coming in to see a team with a great PowerPoint pitch, or a team with a prototype that’s working, I would pick the prototype team all day long.” — Guy Kawasaki

Just do it it's the best advice ever. Just do it and then hit the road with a prototype, you get better with real clients. 

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done.”
― Bruce Lee

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I know two types of people , those who want to control & think they can organize life

Thursday, July 08, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise. Tacitus

I know two types of people , those who want to control & think they can organize life and are mostly unhappy and those that live what life brings and know that we are not in control. These are mostly happy and ok. The people who want to stop life because of Covid are the second type. Covid brought the worse in people perhaps 30 or 40% of world population has strong authoritarian tendencies that now are tolerated because of security. 

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You live longer once .....

Tuesday, July 06, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted.

—Ruth E. Renkl

The root of suffering is attachment.


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If you ask the advice of enough people you are almost sure to end up by doing nothing.

Monday, July 05, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


“Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have. Without having a goal it’s difficult to score.”

― Paul Arden,

If you ask the advice of enough people you are almost sure to end up by doing nothing.

The only person really qualified to advise you as to what you can do is yourself. You know yourself better than anyone does. You, and you alone, know how determined you are to make a success of the undertaking. And in the last analysis, about 90% of being successful in business is that indefinable thing which for lack of a better name we call “guts”. If you have the “guts” to work eighteen hours a day if need be; if you have the “guts” to go without pocket money in order to carry your business over the rough spot; if you have the “guts” to stick when others say you are just wasting your time, it is a pretty good bet that you will succeed, because that is the stuff from which success is made.

F.C.Minaker, One thousand ways to make $1,000, 1936

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If government power increases as a result of crises.................

Thursday, July 01, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

If government power increases as a result of crises, then expect more crises, either exaggerated or artificial.

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