Thursday 11 July 2024

Biden --- There is nothing new

Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.

Ronald Reagan

Biden has dementia problems since the beginning

There is nothing new

United States of America works fine with any president as we saw. Even  Michelle Obama would do despite other than the Obama name she has done nothing to deserve the Job.(America is not a monarchy yet)

In most well run countries , Switzerland, Germany etc... we don't even know the name of the president

The Democrats who have been covering up this since the beginning now pretend to be surprised 

The president should be a decent person. A guy that looks in the eye and inspires and brings the best in us. That is it. 

we could have a president that has one IDEA. That is not the case now.. Perhaps TRUMP is a bit like Reagan less government meddling in our lives and that is good. But he is a liar. Biden idea is to mess with peoples lives from climate change to taxes and regulations. I am not sure he is a decent person. 

The Democrats & republicans should choose the most normal person the most decent person not the biggest crook that could figure out Xi & Putin . The best person almost always wins .

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