Do you really need an I-phone 7 ?

Thursday, September 08, 2016 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

But here's the biggest question: Do you need an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus?
Nope. Oh, you may want a better phone ... but you're unlikely to need a better phone.Or in many cases, need a better anything -- other than a better you.It's easy to assume adopting new technology is the key to success. But chasing new technology is a waste of time when you spend more time searching for improved "stuff" than you do on working to improve yourself.Here's a good example: cycling. The use of carbon fiber and advanced aerodynamics has made bicycles incredibly sophisticated -- and expensive. Go to a triathlon, even an entry-level "sprint" triathlon, and you'll see hundreds of $6,000, $8,000, and $10,000 bikes. Even the most casual of competitors spend thousands of dollars pursuing incremental performance gains. High-tech is the norm, not the exception.
A couple years ago I did a triathlon with a friend who is 1) a professional cyclist and 2) way too candid. A group formed around him in the staging area. One of the participants, a rather portly gentleman, talked about buying a $9,000 bike.
"A lighter bike will definitely be worth it," the man declared, obviously confident a pro cyclist who rides the most cutting of cutting-edge bikes would agree.
"Oh, hell no," my friend said. "If I were you, I wouldn't waste money on a lighter bike. You'd be a lot better off if you just lost 10 or 20 pounds."
And that was the end of that conversation.

I couldn't agree more, you don't need more stuff more gadgets more upgrades. What you need is a better you. how do you do it? do a little better today vs yesterday. improve a bit . that will take you a long way but it's not easy to beat yourself. In cycling i work with one of the best Portuguese coaches and we try to improve just a bit every year. It's not easy. why? because last year i was already working hard. 

About gadgets i always think about the US, everything is old, infrastructure, 2G, still using Blackberries, etc... and despite this they are the best. Even Boeing is less tech than AIRBUS but they do equally well or better.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. 

Arthur Ashe
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