In many things there is no premium to being fast

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

Similarly, when Strategy researchers Sucheta Nadkarni and Pol Herrmann studied nearly two hundred companies in India, the firms with the highest financial returns were the ones whose CEOs rated themselves the lowest on efficiency and promptness.
In both cases, the most successful organizations were run by executives who
admitted that they often wasted time before settling down to work and
sometimes failed to pace themselves to get things done on time.

Adam Grant, Originals 

This reminds me the joke where some guys are moving some furniture in a tall building and the leader of the group asks one guy to check how many more floors to the top?
After checking he comes back down and announces he has good and bad news. The leader says, just give me the good news!
We only have 3 more floors till the top.....
They get back to work
when they reached the top the leader asks What were the bad news?
This is the wrong tower !

It's better to ponder and think before rushing and executing something that should never been executed

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. 

Peter Drucker

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