New research suggests evolution might favor 'survival of the laziest'

Monday, September 10, 2018 Francisco Carneiro 1 Comments

New research suggests evolution might favor 'survival of the laziest'
August 21, 2018, University of Kansas
"Maybe in the long term the best evolutionary strategy for animals is to be lassitudinous and sluggish—the lower the metabolic rate, the more likely the species you belong to will survive," Lieberman said. "Instead of 'survival of the fittest,' maybe a better metaphor for the history of life is 'survival of the laziest' or at least 'survival of the sluggish.'"

A turtle can live up to 100 years and everything is slow and peacefull

In my business, Hedge Fund allocation i divided all the managers that i ever invested and divided them into two groups. the more volatile before investment and the less volatile (lower standard deviation)

we made 80%of total p&L  from the less volatile and 20% from the more crazy ones.

Image result for how long lives a turtle

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