Black Friday was every day

Friday, November 23, 2018 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

someone send me this ! once you pass through communism usually you never go back!

Found a funny thing, but not sure if to Poles only. In communism times (especially last 15 years) there was almost nothing in the shops, supplies were coming in erratic way, almost everything was rationed (like in war times, you had special bonus only for limited volumes of various purchases like meat, sugar, fuel, etc etc). So permanent, long queues in the shops were something very inherent to Poles' daily lives. You had the impression that you were queuing all the time, without even knowing what will come with the delivery, and if there would be sufficient amounts of that to get any chance to buy something. I found a photo from that times, accompanied with a very contemporary comment: 'In old times Black Friday was every day'

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