EU is not a free lunch !

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

“The English lose all the battles and win all the wars.”

Charles Gave

In a world where communications and information are better and better what can you expect? 

I expect that the best guy in the world doing car's will do all the cars (Germans & Japanese) The best guys doing phones will produce all the phones in the world ( i-phones )

big get bigger and the best will win. Kids know what is the best and they want the best.

The way to survive in this world is as was always the case differentiation. You need to do something very different and be the best at it. UK out of the EU will do very well there is no reason to expect otherwise. 

Outside the EU they can have different rules and prosper. In my country Portugal we have the same rules that came from Brussels it's an equal plain field  but since our land is much difficult to do cereals/corn etc... we can't compete with France. All our farmers have to do pigs, Olives, wine etc...

specialization is the way out and UK can do well in our out. It doesn't matter. Respect of property & capitalism will ensure success to the UK. As always.

Britons should not stress! Nothing is going to change. It doesn't matter. EU does not gives anything. zero. You have to be different to survive. 

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 
Coco Chanel

If you want to be around in 10 years you've got to do something to differentiate yourself from the pack. 
Chris Evans

America has believed that in differentiation, not in uniformity, lies the path of progress. It acted on this belief; it has advanced human happiness, and it has prospered. 
Louis D. Brandeis

Differentiate or die

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