Making money with money getting harder every day
Making money with money getting harder every
Recent Bill Gross Tweet, Bill Gross is the
Bond King
PS I don’t agree with Gross. Making
money with a job is even harder (Labour is mostly a commodity with excess
supply on almost every profession). Making money in deposits & Bonds is almost impossible and you can even lose. However you cam make
money doing other different things.
What do I do? I am a
professional investor, i run money in BPI since 1988, but I don’t trade on my own account. I buy mostly BPI funds.
What kind of Funds do i buy? Normaly I don't buy sector or very specific funds like the China Fund. In these kind of funds I must be on top of my
investments, because the China
fund is going to move up if China
goes up and down if China
corrects. So if I buy the China
fund I must time the market.
I just buy funds where the
managers can change and change often. I want a manager that trades for me. This
are the king of funds that I want. The mandate must be wide and the manager
must adapt and change.
It is not
the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the
one most responsive to change
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