With specialization we are sitting duck's!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

But in 1977, the United states separated itself from every other government in history by vilifying meat and pushing grains, which were traditionally used to fatten cattle. Soon after, America's obesity rate shot up and hasn't stopped

Chris McDougall, Natural Born Heroes

Very boring book but with a very good message.

He cites an episode where during Teddy Roosevelt presidency there was an eruption in Martinique and a french vessel tried to save lives but huge amounts of people died because with specialization people don't move a lot and can't jump, can't pull themselves up with a rope and can't pick and carry small children. This is completely true people are helpless we don't know how to fight, jump and carry our own body weight. We sit all day.

I know this is true but specialization bring wealth but you are vulnerable because you can do only one thing.I guess you can't do anything about this. Specialization makes sense but we become sitting ducks.

another message is this

if you cut carbs you no longer have hungry moments in the day and you lose weight big time .I am trying this now a bit. This is a book with many good advice but boring.

Image result for natural born heroes

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