Apple vs Amazon

Friday, October 30, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments


Amazon wants to make life cheaper, with Amazon I check what other people say about a product and zero mistakes, in Amazon when I am looking for something  I look for Amazon Choice and it's normally the best (Cheaper ) choice. 

Apple has a different approach, it's beautiful and easier to use but very very expensive. I see the Apple model more in danger from competition. 

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If I voted in the USA I would vote for......

Thursday, October 29, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

 “When Alexander the Great visited the philosopher Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for him, Diogenes is said to have replied: ‘Yes, stand a little less between me and the sun.’ It is what every citizen is entitled to ask of his government.”

― Henry Hazlitt

I would probably vote for Donald J Trump because 

0.I don't want to be poor
1. The speech/communication is pathetic but action is always ok
2. I don't want more Government, ever
3. I don't believe in big taxes 
4. Europe is not good for people that want to work USA still is
5.It would be the best for my children
6.US President Donald Trump announced the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, I agree.
7.His war with China I agree, Chinese have no respect for the human life, property, etc...
8.His fight on regulations check
9.His approach to COVID is the correct one, lockdowns don't work just extend the pandemic over time (Now we know....)
10.He did not start any war, or sent any troops anywhere
11.He doesn't care about G7 , G 20 and all the other bullshit.
12.He did good for the middle class that have been left behind with automation & Globalization
13.I have almost no friend in Portugal that would vote for D J Trump. I know I must be doing something right.

All in all I think he thinks well. Trump believes in Man believes that man can decide can have his own choices and I will always vote for that.

I don't know Joe Biden at all, looks like a career politician, with a decent speech but he looks a bit lost and he wants a revolution I don't like revolutions

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Socialism always loses

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

 Left always do things that make sense and always lose, from victory to victory until the end. Sweden strategy does not make sense but works . Lockdowns make sense but don't work and have some side effects.

the end of course is a lot of people on the Gov/State shoulders

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A Plumber Charged this guy USD 300

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

Why would you go to college/lawschool/mba/blahblahblah..

I guess because you don't want to be a plumber. However if you pick any work that the world doesn't need you have a problem. The world does not need an average lawyer, an average architect or an average MD.

all these jobs will be replaced by a computer. A good doctor will be always on demand because someone has to tell the computer what to look for.

Do something new, do something that has no license to practice. There are no rules yet .

If you don't want to do new things you can always be a plumber.............

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Let your kids fail small

Monday, October 12, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

You need stress to be strong , If you never get tested one day you break at the first wind. In Portugal authorities want to prevent small fires and in 2017 in Pedrogão they got a huge fire that killed more than 50 people. 

If you take very small doses of  a bad thing you became a bit immune. 

If you don't let your kids fail small they became paralyzed with fear of failing

From Jay Shetty book, 

A few decades ago, scientists conducted an experiment in the Arizona desert where they built “Biosphere 2”—a huge steel-and-glass enclosure with air that had been purified, clean water, nutrient-rich soil, and lots of natural light. It was meant to provide ideal living conditions for the flora and fauna within. And while it was successful in some ways, in one it was an absolute failure. Over and over, when trees inside the Biosphere grew to a certain height, they would simply fall over. At first, the phenomenon confused scientists. Finally, they realized that the Biosphere lacked a key element necessary to the trees’ health: wind. In a natural environment, trees are buffeted by wind. They respond to that pressure and agitation by growing stronger bark and deeper roots to increase their stability.

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Watching/Reading the news is useless

Friday, October 09, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

"To be completely cured of newspapers, spend a year reading the previous week's newspapers." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Watching/Reading the news is useless

Though it may feel like you’re getting something done, you’re not. The reality is, the news doesn’t really affect you. It’s good to keep up with the goings on of the world, but don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re being productive by doing so. You’re not doing anything. Go do your work.

I saw this in a blog without author but I tend to agree. I just think if  affects you a lot. You think you are working and news specially if it's opinion can get into your thought process.

Read History, study facts, hard data and forget the weekly theme. You can't make money on news because they are all incorporated in the prices and there are a lot of negative news that relly enter your mind.

Just turn down your tv and get some silence.

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If you want a new idea, read an old book.

Thursday, October 08, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

 Almost always when I buy a new book just out of print I am disappointed. When I buy a book that is in print for 50 years and have 13 editions there is something there. Don't buy new. 

There is nothing new in the world. 

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So true

Monday, October 05, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments


Not exactly true, some people receive from Government and others could have a better life without Government

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Let's change capitalism! It's working

Monday, October 05, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments


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Life is harder for young people now than in the past. Do you agree?

Friday, October 02, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

 Nowadays, the life of young people seems to be easier than in the past, but we would have to think about the differences between education and work: while the level and quality of education is decreasing, the requirements to get a job are increasing.

Easy education ----> Hard Life 

Difficult Education ------------> Easy life

Education is easy, in my country you cannot fail, no student will stay behind means that every student even if he know zero progresses to the next level.

Kids this day have a sensation that they are busy in Instagram , Facebook and WhatsApp or NETFLIX. They achieve nothing but they are busy. Life did not change at all, people are dormant with so many distractions and think they are progressing. They are not. Everything is the same.

Either you learn a new language, or learn how to code or you strive to win in sports or in Music. Kids have to understand that in life you either are a producer or a consumer. Money flows from Consumers to producers. Kids this days are consumers and think they are progressing. I think they will have a surprise because work is just like it always was . Nothing has changed.

Mind something when you are starting your life you can work 14 or 16 hours everyday. I used to do 6am to 6pm in the office. Now with my own kids and a much more active social life I can't work 12 hours a day anymore. Work when you can, you will miss this time when you can progress fast.

My advice to KIDS is below, Mark is spot on

My advice to young people just starting out: Make a list of everything you want and spend the next 10-15 years getting it piece by piece. Work hard, save and invest. Forget about flash until you truly can afford it. Build your trading account, not your car or watch collection.

Mark Minervini

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