Are EVs as ‘Green’ as They Appear?

Wednesday, December 29, 2021 Francisco 1 Comments

No one asks questions these days, you don't have to justify if you say it's green it must be . No questions asked. people only want to look good. 

at the moment batteries last at best 130,000 miles, however an EV to justify his carbon cost must be used at least 124,000 miles. So at the moment when someone switches to an EV is helping the ecosystem exactly zero.  Sorry. But pls keep doing it at lest you feel good and pay a lot of money for a machine that does exactly the same with less autonomy.

April 14th 2021, Jefferies published a research note entitled “Are EVs as ‘Green’ as They Appear?” in which they conclude an electric vehicle must be driven 200,000 km (or 124,000 miles) before its “whole of life” carbon emissions equals that of an internal combustion engine.


Their analysis is very similar to ours and details the tremendous amount of energy (and by extension CO2) needed to manufacture a lithium-ion battery. Moreover, they point out that a typical EV is on average 50% heavier than a similar internal combustion engine, requiring more steel and aluminum in the frame. They conclude the “embedded carbon” in an EV (i.e., when it rolls off the lot) is therefore 20–50% more than an internal combustion engine.


Our analysis suggests a modern lithium-ion battery has approximately 135,000 miles of range before it degrades to the point of becoming unusable. An extended-range Tesla Model 3 has an 82 kWh battery and consumes approximately 29 kWh per 100 miles. Assuming each charge cycle has a ~95% round-trip efficiency and a battery can achieve 500 cycles before starting to degrade, we conclude a Model 3 can drive 134,310 miles before dramatically losing range. Incidentally, Tesla’s Model 3 warranty covers the battery for the lesser of eight years or 120,000 miles and does not apply until the battery has degraded by at least 30%. If the Jefferies analysis is correct (and we believe it is), then an EV will reach carbon-emission parity with an internal-combustion vehicle just as its battery requires replacement. This will come as a huge disappointment for those believing that EV adoption will have significant impacts on CO2 reduction.

Jeffreies Research note

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America is the new Europe

Tuesday, December 28, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 No babies, lots of debt and no Growth that is Europe and Japan

The USA is copying us. Good luck!

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One Idea for 2022

Monday, December 27, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 Inflation is going to disappoint

the deflation argument is :

1.Goverments all over the place spent huge amounts of money and could not produce serious inflation. To Borrow money is to anticipate spending.

2.Technological advances are moving faster

3.If something does not materialize when it should the opposite is going to happen

4.Debt is very deflationary. The empirical evidence overwhelmingly supports the view that a large amount of government debt has a negative impact on economic growth potential, and in many cases that impact gets more pronounced as debt increases

5.Japan has the most debt and can't produce inflation. Europe followed japan and can't either and now USA is copying Europe.

For the Inflation case:

Economy = Energy

we will need all sources of energy, all, fossil, solar, wind nuclear etc... all. If Governments don't figure this out oil might go to USD 200 and we will have inflation in food and in everything.

Deflation is very good for the poor and is the natural state of things, outside war we always have deflation. Do more with less.

I think Inflation is going to disappoint. We are copying Japan & Europe.

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Christmas Present

Thursday, December 23, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


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Back to middle ages in 1 week

Thursday, December 23, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 If power prices fluctuate there will be no power shortages ever

the day this socialist governments of Europe decided to curb the prices there will be shortages

My house is not prepared to be more than 24 hours without power

I think we will be back to middle ages in 1 week. a big exodus from the city and big profit for anyone who has a truck and gas in the tank

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If voting made any difference

Wednesday, December 22, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 “If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”

― Mark Twain

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My Christmas Card

Wednesday, December 22, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


LFO Landing page

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It happens to me all the time

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


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We have a natural Vaccine

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

We have a natural vaccine. The best.

If no one dies , it's like the Flu.

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Why Stupid people do so well

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

Because they are not afraid , they just do it. A lot of intelligent people hesitate all the time. If you see something that works and you just copy you might feel stupid because not everybody is doing it yet. But it usually works as long as you respect this wonderful quote from Warren Buffet

“What the wise do in the beginning, fools do in the end.” Warren Buffet 

 "People feel deep anxiety finding out that someone they thought was stupid is actually more intelligent than they are." -

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. 


The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.

Bertrand Russell

To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.

Gustave Flaubert

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If you want control you can't live

Monday, December 13, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 Even the NYT reach the conclusion, Coronavirus is not going to disappear. So it's better to start living again. 

My take as everybody knows is that countries that did nothing (Sweden ....) had

the same results as countries where people were locked and masked etc...

In the US states that did not destroyed the life's of their citizens had the same results as California that destroyed jobs, lives and companies. It was an option.

The result is that people are moving from California to Texas & Florida. It's everything better.

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I predict future happiness for Americans, if...................

Wednesday, December 08, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
― Thomas Jefferson

 “There is no justification for taking away individuals’ freedom in the guise of public safety.”

– Thomas Jefferson

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If you spend too much time thinking about a thing..............

Tuesday, December 07, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 We have a strategic plan. It’s called doing things, Herb Kelleher, American billionaire airline executive and lawyer

"He who works all day has no time to make money." - John D. Rockefeller

I think both this phrases are right. I see more trouble from people who think & think & think and don't start. The people who don't think a lot and just execute turn out to do better than the thinking ones.

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The triumph of big government

Friday, December 03, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments


I am an optimist and I truly believe that the good old times were not good and that we have amazing opportunities if we live in the free world.

However I noticed that these days the young vote left. There is no more soviet Union to visit, we don't watch people risk their lives to escape Communist Germany etc... People think it's a good idea to let government run things. Everybody wants more social, more taxes and more government. BIG Government triumphed in Europe and now in the US.

If you are rich because you help other people, yes the rich people did something for others, solve some problem, create some benefit for society. Sometimes people portray the rich like villains and the people that have nothing, did nothing and help no one as "good people" 

To me money = virtue  you must have done something good for people to buy your product, solution, game, service. Yes Jeff Bezos did a lot for me and I gladly gave him some of my money. He deserved my money. Since he can help millions of people he is rich. If you can impact millions you became very rich. With the internet now that is possible. 

With the Triumph of Government we must be ready for a perfect world that doesn't work. Instead of having an uncertain world where some people fail and some people are rewarded  we are going slowly for a world where no one can fail , everybody is a winner of nothing.

No Risk No fun

"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive." Thomas Sowell

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