Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

It must be awful being a young man in
China these days for the brutal
fact is there are fewer and fewer
young women available to more
and more young men
PS not everything going well in China. I feel a little happy here.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good
Jewish Proverb

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

"Why not complain, it's one of the few things you can do in today's world that costs you nothing?"….Last night, Faye and I figured our taxes, and I feel as though I've been working for nothing. The blasted city, country, state and federal government take most of it, and I feel like a slave working for somebody else rather than working for myself.

But then I think, the party's over, and now we've got to pay for it. If only I was the Fed and I could print my way out of my taxes. It's a mad, mad world, and we made it that way. There's only one thesis that serves to show us what's going on. It's the eternal truth -- "FOLLOW the MONEY." Everything in economics boils down to a FLOW OF FUNDS, which is another way of saying, "follow the money."

PS the same idea is here,
"The challenge of economics and to journalism is to remind us that motives are less important than actions. People lie about their motives. Look at what they do, not what they say."
Russ Roberts
I guess that is why momentum works so well.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

"Our panel of savvy Wall Street strategists expect stocks to rise 10% next year as an economic expansion takes hold."
Ah well, the wish is often father to the thought. RR
PS I liked this link (apparentely its a real life situation with a crew of a movie. The boy is autist, the father is dancing)

Funny, I thought we depended on the stock market to tell us what lies ahead. But I guess times have changed. Now Wall Street's "experts" forecast next year's economy, and they tell us that the stock market will advance as it gets in line with their economic forecasts……..
Wait a moment, the "experts" envision an "economic expansion" ahead, and therefore the stock market will rise as it gets in step with the expectations of the experts?

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Monday, December 20, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

That which has always been accepted by everyone, everywhere, is almost certain to be false. Paul Valery
French critic & poet (1871 - 1945)

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Thursday, December 16, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.
Mark Twain, Letter to Mrs Foote, Dec. 2, 1887 US humorist, novelist, short story author, & wit (1835 - 1910)

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

There is nothing more demoralizing than a small but adequate income.
Edmund Wilson
US critic (1895 - 1972)

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Monday, December 13, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success.
Christopher Lasch

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Monday, December 06, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

Businesses are producing same GDP as in 2007 with 7.5m fewer workers. That cannot last…" (Economist)

Average 3,3% real GDP growth is needed just to keep the unemployment rate stable. At 2,0% real growth, the jobless rate rises over 1% per year.
Gary Shilling

PS Tomorrow i am going to London to visit HF for the rest of the week. The weather is frezzing but no rain.

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Wednesday, December 01, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Bible, New Testament, Matthew 7:7

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Monday, November 29, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

"The best advice on gift-giving, therefore, is to get something that someone really wants but would feel guilty buying otherwise." (Dan Ariely)

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Monday, November 29, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done. Peter Ustinov
English actor & author (1921 - 2004)

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

To run an antelope to death, Lieberman determined, all you have to do is scare it into a gallop on a hot day. "If you keep just close enough for it to see you, it will keep sprinting away. After about ten or fifteen kilometers’ worth of running, it will go into hyperthermia and collapse." Translation: if you can run six miles on a summer day then you, my friend, are a lethal weapon in the animal kingdom. We can dump heat on the run, but animals can’t pant while they gallop.
Chris McDougall, Born to Run

PS Just came from S.Paulo. Always good. A little bit expensive. A dinner for 3 in my favourite Jap restaurant(JAM) goes for 450 reais without wine (65 euros for person). A night in the Sofitel in Guarujá could go up to 1,900 reais (ask price). There is no crisis in Brasil. Business is good.
Salaries are much greater than what we pay for a similar position in Portugal. But if you go there you spend all the money in a house.
I did a Bike ride with a group called Ovavo Bikers Sunday morning in S.Paulo. No traffic and ok weather. We did 48km in 2 hours with a big group.

PS1 The book Born to Run is one of the best i ever read.
Takes from the book. If you run with no shoes (no Nikes) there are no injuries and you run faster. If you eat like a poor person you don't go to the doctor. How did man kill animals before inventing the bow and the arch? You just run the animals to death. Man can run longer than any animal on the planet. You can be a high performance athlete without eating meat. This book was offered to me by a NY friend. I thank him deeply for the book.

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Friday, November 12, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

Things will change after the approaching horrible economic and political
catastrophes that will wrack some of these economies and societies (Europe). Unfortunately nothing will happen
before the current situation gets unbearable
this is the way of democratic politics.Fasten Your SeatbeltNovember 11, 2010
By John R. Taylor, Jr.
Chief Investment Officer

PS1.I am going to S.Paulo next Monday for 10 days

PS2 O Estado Português está com um problema porque decidiu fazer coisas a mais em relação ao dinheiro que tem. Aqui vão algumas ideias (minhas) para acabar com esta crise em 1 mês (Sim é possivel acabar com esta crise em 1 mês, mas é preciso é querer)

1.A Função Pública deixa de receber subsidio de natal e ganha mais 10 dias de férias por ano
2.Passa a haver um imposto de 100% sobre o subsidio de natal do sector privado
3.O imposto social único baixa para as empresas privadas em igual montante ao imposto sobre o Subsidio de natal (ponto 2)
4.Passam a haver só 3 feriados por ano, Natal, dia de Portugal e 1 de janeiro.
5.Não se fazem mais leis novas nos próximos 10 anos. Pode-se acabar com leis antigas.
6.A Asae acaba
7.O parlamento reduz o número de deputados para 100.
8.Enquanto a dívida do Estado + sector empresarial do Estado sobre o PIB for mais que 50% não se pode fazer contratações no estado
9.O IRS sobre os prémios é 50% do IRS normal
10.As pessoas que estiverem a viajar em serviço nos dias que estão fora de Portugal pagam 50% do IRS normal (Esta é para mim, já que estou a resolver os problemas do país resolvo os meus também)
11.Pode-se fazer contratos a prazo renovaveis sem limite e sem justificação
12.O salário mínimo acaba
Esta crise do Estado é ultrapassável mas é preciso ser decisivo numa fase inicial, não se pode ser gradualista. Tem que se dizer, para o ano o déficit é zero. Assim há possibilidade do déficit ser zero. Dizer que o déficit para o ano é 4,6% é meio caminho para que não seja 4,6%. 4,6% não é nada, zero é.

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Friday, November 05, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

In any event, most Americans have never seen anything but inflation in their business careers or lifetimes, so they think that's the way God made the world. Few can remember much about the 1930's, the last time deflation reigned. They don't realize that inflation is a wartime phenomenon. In peacetime, deflation rules.
Gary Shilling

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Wednesday, November 03, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

Ironically, while many of us have been
concerned about banks being too big
to fail, the financial crisis has resulted
in mergers and a further concentration
among big banks. At the end of 2009,
the world’s 10 largest banks accounted
for 70% of global banking assets, up
from 59% three years earlier.

Gary Shilling

PS Regulation is a joke and usually its after the fact. We need to go down and start from zero. people need to believe again that Goverment can't produce or give anything. you have to get what you want.

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.
Andrew Carnegie

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Sunday, October 24, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 1 Comments

One of the strange things about human beings is that they value only that which has a price. The free schools of America and the free public libraries do not impress people because they are free. This is a major reason why so many people find it necessary to acquire additional training after they quit school and go to work. It is also one of the major reasons why employers give grater consideration to employees who take home study. They have learned from experience that any person who has the ambition to give up a part of his spare time to studying at home has in him those qualities which make for leadership.
Napoleon Hill, 1938

PS Yesterday i was in Geneva. Nice and expensive has always. A city without wind (see photo), its cold but no wind. Lisbon is a windy city especially in the summer.

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Monday, October 18, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way. Christopher Morley
US author & journalist (1890 - 1957)
PS Portugal has a new austerity package (more taxes and less benefits (education and Health expenses no longer can be discounted)). Goverment and regulation are everywhere. The policy in my country in the last 30 years has been the Goverment will do everything and will guarantee all. Now we have to pay.

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Thought of the Day

Friday, October 15, 2010 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works.
John Gaule

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