Angers Bridge

Monday, January 13, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

Generally speaking, decentralized systems are more stable than centralized ones. 
Seth Levine

When an army marches across a bridge, the soldiers often "break step" so that their rhythmic marching will not start resonating throughout the bridge. A sufficiently large army marching at just the right cadence could set the deadly vibration into motion.

The idea or organizing, merging, consolidation, uniformization, regulation etc...makes the world very fragile. Something robust must be diverse.

If one compartment is compromised the rest of the ship will survive only if there is compartments.

if everybody does the same thing when one is sick everybody is.

Big things are very fragile.

Image result for why titanic sank picture

Angers Bridge, also called the Basse-Chaîne Bridge, was a suspension bridge over the Maine River in Angers, France. It was designed by Joseph Chaley and Bordillon, and built between 1836 and 1839. The bridge collapsed on 16 April 1850, while a battalion of French soldiers was marching across it, killing over 200 of them.

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