The winners and the losers have the same goals

Thursday, August 06, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

“The only way to become excellent is to be endlessly fascinated by doing the same thing over and over. You have to fall in love with boredom.”
― James Clear

if you completely ignore your goals and focused only on your system, would you still succeed? For example, if you were a basketball coach and you ignored your goal to win a championship and focused only on what your team does at practice each day, would you still get results? I  think you would.------- The only way to actually win is to get better each day. In the words of three-time Super Bowl winner Bill Walsh, " The score takes care of itself". The same is true for other areas of life. If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead.
 James Clear

I am with you James, the only way to change is to change forever. Create a new system, change some Habits how? James Clear has a great book about habit formation, if you think you are a healthy person, if your image of yourself is of a healthy person if you change that image you start to lose weight by asking over and over again does a healthy person eats this....

Goal Setting doesn't work , lots of guys want to win the Tour the France but only Sky/ INEOS does it. why. ?Because they change a lot of small details and the process. Of course the goal is there but that is not the key . If you want to change change forever.

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