One Idea for 2022

Monday, December 27, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 Inflation is going to disappoint

the deflation argument is :

1.Goverments all over the place spent huge amounts of money and could not produce serious inflation. To Borrow money is to anticipate spending.

2.Technological advances are moving faster

3.If something does not materialize when it should the opposite is going to happen

4.Debt is very deflationary. The empirical evidence overwhelmingly supports the view that a large amount of government debt has a negative impact on economic growth potential, and in many cases that impact gets more pronounced as debt increases

5.Japan has the most debt and can't produce inflation. Europe followed japan and can't either and now USA is copying Europe.

For the Inflation case:

Economy = Energy

we will need all sources of energy, all, fossil, solar, wind nuclear etc... all. If Governments don't figure this out oil might go to USD 200 and we will have inflation in food and in everything.

Deflation is very good for the poor and is the natural state of things, outside war we always have deflation. Do more with less.

I think Inflation is going to disappoint. We are copying Japan & Europe.

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