CEO's who behave badly typically run organizations that ...

Thursday, August 25, 2022 Francisco 0 Comments

 CEO's who behave badly typically run organizations that ... behave badly 

Scott Davis at Melius Research

Companies usually fail because of the incompetence and arrogance of a complacent management team, not because they struggled to predict the future...........

So it's important that senior managers focus on what they actually can control: fostering a humble culture that encourages continuous improvement, holding the line on corporate costs, driving toward manufacturing excellence, encouraging extreme customer focus, establishing a disciplined capital allocation process, moving a portfolio toward higher return assets..............

I am in the middle of the book Lessons from the Titans, the great companies are quiet, no great company boasts about corporate culture or claimed any edge they are busy doing their thing and improving their operations. what makes a company a winner is execution excellence and constant improvement.

As they say in the book High profits always attract new entrants so one must be quiet and always doing small improvements. A Star as a CEO is not an advantage it's better to have someone that is in the trenches with the troops. 

Most companies that talk about culture don't have one, at least not a good one.
Scott Davis at Melius Research

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