Risk free has risk after all

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 Francisco 0 Comments

Is there a place for Bitcoin & Gold?

This time bank portfolios are riddled with long duration bonds like US Treasuries and Mortgage Backed Securities.

Wait... what? We were told those were "risk-free"? What's the problem?

The problem is always the same when you do something without thinking just because you think your only duty is to respect the regulations you might die. Better strategy is never go near the line of regulations but do something different than the majority. Do something that makes sense.

Perhaps to have stocks of companies that deliver a necessary service or have some bitcoin or even Gold besides public debt. Even oil companies do a necessary function and you are well paid for it. when the mainstream avoids oil& gas but use oil & gas in their everyday life there is an opportunity.

Risk free is not without risk

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