Strong State = Stalled economy

Friday, November 25, 2016 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

US stock markets are making all time highs. USD is also very strong. No other stock market in the world is near their all time high.

US has had 8 years of a stalled government, the house was republican so Obama could't do much. Spain is also without government for 2 years and they are doing great again.

I am reading the Rational Optimist and in it Matt Ridley shows that in history strong governments, unified territories with rules always promote monopolies, protect markets with tarifs and stall growth and innovation.

weak government and open trade are the best pr growth and posperity

perhaps with Mr Trump US will have a strong government and a protectionist agenda. That is not bullish for America.

why Europe is not growing, EU rules and organization dump the will to innovate and change.

I think in the end UK will do well.

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