I have a DOG

Thursday, December 28, 2017 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them. 
Benjamin Franklin

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. 
Jim Rohn

I have a dog and of dogs are not like people. however all the things that started in a certain way became an habit and now are routine. He knows what to expect and is very happy I think! 

The bad habits he has now it's almost impossible to change.

I guess for a dog it's difficult to start bad and then change.

he doesn't eat human food from day one, now he doesn't circle the table while we eat
he is not allowed to enter the living room, he stays outside even when I am not at home
he does his poop in a garden from day one and now he never poops in the walkway 
he only eats at daybreak and he is not eager for food all day
it's illegal but I never put a leash in the dog. he just walks besides me everywhere

So for a dog or at least my dog it's very important what you do in the first days. Start well is my advice.

for me I think all the bad habits I have are a result of illness and lack of goals. as soon as I have a difficult goal in sports or in my job everything goes in to place. everything. I need to sleep more,  need not to drink wine in the week days, diet, get up before 6 am,  don't check email as often, cold showers etc...

be busy and everything gets in place!

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