Anything is possible

Monday, November 12, 2018 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

The market are at an important juncture! Very dangerous. This week it’s very important in my view. Markets did all times highs in the end of September and that is very bullish but the market turned back in October(not a good sign) I thought perhaps it was the election in US. Now we have  passed the election. We need a gap down today and a reversal. That would nail it.
My central scenario is still a year end rally (good time for that) and a run pass the all times highs very soon. the weekly graphs are looking good.


absence to rally+time+USD getting strong = ummmmmmmm

I never seen a top done when so many people are afraid. But don’t forget anything is possible in the markets.

we had a violent correction in October we should rally strongly from a correction like this. This is what i expect.

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