H A P P Y N E W Y E A R 2 0 1 9

Wednesday, January 02, 2019 Francisco Carneiro 3 Comments

Giving is living. If you stop wanting to give, there’s nothing more to live for.
 Audrey Hepburn

Someone send me this card and it captures my wish list for 2019 , Health, Friends & Family, be more in contact with nature and i would add a bit of money. when you have no money you only think about it and that is not good. Happy 2019 to you.

I am going to change my life a bit in 2019 since i am leaving BPI on February 1,  after 30 years. It has been a wonderful time for me and for the Bank during this 30 years. I have done many things and met wonderful people. 

I am not sure what i am going to do but my inclination is to set up my own business. 


  1. Grande Francisco, Foi un autentico prazer ter estado em contacto contigo em grande parte destes 30 anos. Desejo-te o maior sucesso para o teu novo projeto profissional. Não tenha a menor duvida que terás muito sucesso. Até breve.
    Mario Pires

    1. Assim seja. quem sabe ainda vamos fazer umas coisas.

      gr abraço

  2. Remember to keep thought of the day alive!
