You have no control, so what can we do...............

Thursday, March 07, 2019 Francisco 0 Comments

From The Guardian

Peterson’s worldview is complex, although 12 Rules makes a heroic attempt to simplify it into digestible material. It might be encapsulated thus: “Life is tragic. You are tiny and flawed and ignorant and weak and everything else is huge, complex and overwhelming. Once, we had Christianity as a bulwark against that terrifying reality. But God died. Since then the defence has either been ideology – most notably Marxism or fascism – or nihilism. These lead, and have led in the 20th century, to catastrophe.

“‘Happiness’ is a pointless goal. Don’t compare yourself with other people, compare yourself with who you were yesterday. No one gets away with anything, ever, so take responsibility for your own life. You conjure your own world, not only metaphorically but also literally and neurologically. These lessons are what the great stories and myths have been telling us since civilization began.”

I think Jordan Peterson has a point, life is suffering . If you have expectations, if you think you are in control you have a problem, life can give you some surprises and you would be shocked! yes everything is possible. If you don't accept that anything is possible you will suffer.

 "If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time."

 Edith Wharton

I bought this book in Thailand recently i am not yet here but it's a decent proposal

So, understand your situation from a greater perspective. Don't think that what s happening to you is unfair or unjustified; what is happening to you at all the times is just what should be happening.

Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu

Image result for towards truth and wisdom book ajahn

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