What you really want, peace!

Monday, June 03, 2019 Francisco 0 Comments

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding
Kahlil Gibran

(in sport this is certainly the case)

I am reading this book for the second time. The first was on the way back from Thailand. Usually I don't like to re read books but this one is very different. This is a blessing for the soul. It brings peace and harmony.

Some quotes 

The main point of living simply is learning to be content with what you have.

It's foolish to use the human mind only to think about wanting

it's very important to live in a way that doesn't drive you crazy but rather drives you sane. You are driven sane by doing small, simple things carefully, thereby spiritualizing your activities.

Most of the desperate and neurotic suffering in the west comes from overabundance.Many of the heaviest sufferers are the people who have the most stuff.

So, understand your situation from a greater perspective. Don't think that whats happening to you is unfair or unjustified; what is happening to you at all the times is just what should be happening.

Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu

Image result for towards truth and wisdom book ajahn

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