There are not many panics when you see one use it!

Thursday, March 12, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

"The coronavirus panic is dumb." - Elon Musk, March 6, 2020

The fragility of a Complex world

When, a couple of lifetimes ago, I played rugby, I never got injured. That’s because I was a little overweight, and slow. Meanwhile, the guys who were fast and agile ended up tearing their knee ligaments or straining a hamstring or sustaining another of the many injuries one can pick up on a rugby pitch. Why do I bring this up? Because the question investors must confront today is whether our global economy is a slow but resistant lumbering beast of burden, or a finely tuned machine which has now been thrown off its axis.

Charles Gave, Gave-kal

 I think the world now is not Complex is optimized you find who is the cheapest supplier and you outsource everything to China for example (That is fragile) the world is very optimized and fragile. This CoronaVirus shall pass and shall be  a big business to someone who come up with some medicine. 

In the meanwhile some companies will suffer because there is not overlap, if you can do a job with just one person you have just the minimum. No one is ready for something that can go wrong and that is fragile. some companies have very thin profit margins anything that disrupts their business can kill them. We will have plenty of casualties. The banks will suffer as always.

all said even with the Virus that will be solved very soon, the market will rebound and the world will go on as usual. Enjoy the sun and do a good walk with a nice music.

don't worry This too shall pass

there are not many panics in our world . Use when you see one

The watershed event that dragged the U.S. into the World War II is the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941. A person who bought U.S. blue chips on the day of Pearl Harbour and held them till end of 1945, when the World War II ended, would have generated returns in excess of 25 percent annually.

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