Cut the crap

Friday, April 24, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

Cheap Energy = Good Life

Energy is the Great Equalizer

I am sure  the renewable movement , Climate change is DEAD for a while. When there is a crisis you do the rational thing, when we are at times of plenty prosperous there is room for all idiot ideas. What is sustainable is not solar panels that don't last and pollute the world after a short life.

why? Because when the world has cheap energy life is good when energy is expensive people live miserably

Renewables are not Clean (see below**)
Renewables are very expensive (I think a water Dam is a very good idea, they last forever)
Nuclear is Cheap and Clean and Safe (YES Safe)
Oil is cheap and helps a lot of poor countries but is not clean
Natural Gas is very cheap and clean

When a crisis hits people start doing the best thing. 

**Note from Michael Moore Documentary. Solar panels don't last !

The film shows both abandoned industrial wind and solar farms and new ones being built — but after cutting down forests. “It suddenly dawned on me what we were looking at was a solar dead zone,” says filmmaker Jeff Gibbs, staring at a former solar farm in California. “I learned that the solar panels don’t last.” 

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