If you want to use renewable 24 hours a day your life will be miserable.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

But a zero-fossil energy future with a high living standard is just a damned lie.

Art Berman

The great leveler in a society is cheap energy. If you have cheap energy everybody lives well

The more Renewable energy in the pie the smaller pie for oil etc...

the price of oil will be very cheap and competitive in the future but since no one wants to use fossil energy the alternative can only be nuclear, it's cheap and clean.

The more renewable utilization the higher the cost , if you only use renewable when there is sun & wind that is getting cheaper.  If you have to store and have other strategies to have more renewables the costs go trough the roof. If you want to use renewable 24 hours a day your life will be miserable.


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