Let your kids fail small

Monday, October 12, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

You need stress to be strong , If you never get tested one day you break at the first wind. In Portugal authorities want to prevent small fires and in 2017 in Pedrogão they got a huge fire that killed more than 50 people. 

If you take very small doses of  a bad thing you became a bit immune. 

If you don't let your kids fail small they became paralyzed with fear of failing

From Jay Shetty book, 

A few decades ago, scientists conducted an experiment in the Arizona desert where they built “Biosphere 2”—a huge steel-and-glass enclosure with air that had been purified, clean water, nutrient-rich soil, and lots of natural light. It was meant to provide ideal living conditions for the flora and fauna within. And while it was successful in some ways, in one it was an absolute failure. Over and over, when trees inside the Biosphere grew to a certain height, they would simply fall over. At first, the phenomenon confused scientists. Finally, they realized that the Biosphere lacked a key element necessary to the trees’ health: wind. In a natural environment, trees are buffeted by wind. They respond to that pressure and agitation by growing stronger bark and deeper roots to increase their stability.

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