If prices go up and stay up there is no inflation. It's a blip.

Monday, June 07, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

Biden's Honeymoon may be over

 Fom A Gary Shlling

Biden’s pledge to pay attention to all elements across the political spectrum is long

forgotten, and the President’s plans to spur the economy with massive fiscal

stimuli and to transfer income from the rich to lower-income consumers who

typically spend all their income, and then some, aren’t working.

Congress isn’t cooperating, not surprising given the loss of Democratic House

seats in last year’s election and the 50-50 split in the Senate where the Vice

President’s vote is needed to break ties. Democrats also lost ground in state

legislatures. Nevertheless, the Administration acts as though 2020 was a repeat

of 1932 when FDR was swept into the White House by the Great Depression

and Democrats won 97 seats in the House for a 313-117 advantage and gained

12 in the Senate to rack up a 58-to-37 margin of control. Nevertheless, today’s

Democrats seek to effect a profound change in the relationship between the

federal government and the economy while pushing liberal ideas on social issues.

I see the Economy cracking slowly, Biden can't go forward with his radical agenda and after the excitement of the reopening we will go back to disappointing growth and what we were doing before the covid. Slow growth & Japanification of the world. I am not in the inflation camp because Technological change/advance is deflationary. To have inflation we need prices going up now, next year etc.. If prices go up and stay up there is no inflation. It's a blip.

If there is no inflation rates would go back doing what they were doing, falling,  and Gold and Silver might explode higher .

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