Everything you considered a product, has now become a service.

Monday, August 02, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

Why don't we feel Inflation, because we own nothing. I am renting a car , I rent my house etc... The only things I don't rent it's bikes and those now cost EUR 14,000 new. Here I can see big inflation.

If you don't own a mixer and you have access to a good mixed that is available in your building when you need one for a very small fee , you don't see inflation. But the mixer now costs USD 200 and you think it's really cheap.

When everything is a service you don't notice what you are paying. 

A friend of mine is in the real estate business. He build holiday houses by the sea with pool etc.. security , gardens etc.. Instead of selling to one family each house was sold to 4 families. instead of paying EUR 1,000,000 each family paid 1/4. they can use the house 15 days every 2 months rolling windows. Does it work , of course it works. 

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