Do what you love is really a bad advice

Monday, November 22, 2021 Francisco 0 Comments

 First, “do what you love” rarely creates money fast because more than likely, not only are you doing what you love but thousands of others love doing the same thing.

MJ de Marco

So why is the field for personal trainers so saturated? simple. People follow the espoused guru-esque advice without reflection on need: "Do what you love." Unfortunately, if you love doing it, bet on thousands of others loving it too. When you do "What you love", prepare to face stiff competition. Who enjoys higher margins? The personal Trainer? Or the guy who starts a company to clean up crime scenes?

MJ de Marco

I couldn't agree more, not so nice professions and jobs pay much more than glamorous and nice jobs with good visibility. who wants to be a plumber? everybody wants to be a executive with a nice suit.....

there are many reasons why Do what you love is a bad advice

1.If you Do what you love pretty soon you are not going to love it anymore. If you hobby becomes a job pretty soon you will have another Hobby. Do what you love can kill your love.

2.If you Do what you love you narrow your focus and compress your possibilities. If you do what the world needs you can do anything.

3.I don't care if a CHEF loves to cook if the food is horrible no love can compensate. You should do something that you have an advantage an edge.

My advice do what the world needs.

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