If the deck chairs are all in order, then ................

Monday, January 10, 2022 Francisco 0 Comments

From Tom Perkins wonderful book Valley Boy

The tired cliché is alive and well in many Boardrooms, If the deck chairs are all in order, then all is well in the Titanic...........  Unfortunately, the compliance aspects of SOX can, if permitted, come to dominate everything that the board does. And at the end of the day compliance doesn't add to earnings per share and a rising stock price.

Compliance has nothing to do with progress or be of service. compliance is a starter, you have to do it. Compliance is destined to avoid serious wrongdoing. If you want to do well you have to do more than avoid serous wrongdoing. all the companies that think their mission is only to please the regulators are in bad shape. You have to stay clear of the regulator but your job is to create massive value for your clients.

We created a new website for our company , I hope you find it clean & simple . We would like to do more than having the chairs all in order in our boat. 

LFO - There is always a Bull market in the world

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