Assuming if there's such a thing as reality

Monday, January 02, 2023 Francisco 0 Comments

Assuming if there's such a thing as reality, if you have a false relationship with it, how can you do anything but fail?

Jordan Peterson

11,258 scientists agree with 1,180 governments: it’s time to declare a climate emergency. They write in a paper published in BioScience on 4 November 2019: “We declare, with more than 11,000 scientist signatories from around the world, clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency.”

If you have something signed by 11,000 scientists and 1180 governments (there are only 195 countries in the World) and no one opposes, no discussion no debate no loser side it's because there wasn't any study, there wasn't any debate. It's like in my country the budget has 4000 pages and no one reads it. they just vote on it.

I saw this on twitter written by Gary Savage. Gary is a balanced guy. I know him personally. 

reality will prevail as always 

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