Design is overrated

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Francisco Carneiro 3 Comments

If you don't care about Design you can live cheaply! The problem is to find a woman that is happy to go to the good food low price restaurant vs the high priced design and almost no food in the plate trendy restaurant.


  1. As a designer I couldn't disagree more. My goal in live is to use Design as process to make things really good, cheap and affordable to everyone.

  2. you are right of course but sometimes beautiful = very expensive not always of course.

  3. As a consumer I couldn't agree more. My goal in life is to use Money as a process to consume things really good, cheap and affordable.
    Of course design can help a lot (aesthetic design), but it has a price also, and some times that price is really high for the value it brings (sometimes its overpriced, like the same product on a different package with 2x times the price). Other times it brings a lot of value for a small price (H&M/Primark/Zara clothes Vs. Feira de Espinho). On average i think it's overpriced.
