How Fast You Walk May Predict How Long You’ll Live

Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

From Isis Tsee Life Sciences

Those who walked 1 meter per second (about 2.25 mph) or faster consistently lived longer than others of their age and sex who walked more slowly, the study showed.
"We're able to show that a person's capacity to move strongly reflects vitality and health," said study researcher Dr. Stephanie Studenski, a professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

However, the researchers also emphasized that the purpose of this study wasn't to get people to walk faster in hopes of living longer.
"Your body chooses the walking speed that is best for you, and that is your speed, your health indicator," Studenski said. "And that's what it really is: an indicator. Going out and walking faster does not necessarily mean you will suddenly live longer. You still need to address the underlying health issues."
The researchers showed they could reliably predict the 10-year survival rate of a group of people based on how fast they walked along a 4-meter track.

I don't agree with this idea that you could change nothing, if you walk faster if you exercise more if you do weights you will live longer. why? because your body improves every time you push it more.

yes you should test your limits and stress your body a bit. The body was designed to run & to chase animals. we were not made to sit and rest. Go out and walk fast. Do that everyday and you will live longer. I don't have any study but i feel that this is the reality.

Move and start today.

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