My new year predictions for the future

Friday, January 06, 2017 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

Robert Frost

My view of the world for 2017 and on is the following

1.The improvement of everything that we have seen in the last 200 years from declining in crime, curruption, growing life expectancy etc... will continue. These are facts not impressions.
2.The good old days were not good at all
3.Productuvity growth is deflationary. I see more discoveries and new Technics to do more with less.
4.No inflation
5.Plenty of free time. Lot of people with not a lot to do. 
6.Leisure, sports, meditation, tourism, Yoga, Shiatzu, culture will continue to grow
7.Very difficult environment to make money with money
8.Specialization will increase with online information it pays to be the best
9.The EU will stay together because the younger generation want it
10.Less and Less babies everywhere
11.If it pays big time to be the best in a Globalized world the big contries that strive to be the best will continue to do well
12.People will continue to be nicer to each other and to treat well animals etc... more & more
13.Communications are almost free in the Developed countries (Skype, What's up, etc...) more things will be free in the future (energy, trasportation etc...)
14.As long as open borders and "free" commerce are still intact it's doesn't matter which government we have. less and less people will vote and really it doesn't matter
15.The countries that are out of free commerce will continue to get poor & poor
16.One day governments will try to tax asset's and not income. It will be trendy to have very little
17.Brexit doesn't matter as long as they trade freely with Europe
18.oil could go down big time in 2017
19.Interest rates will tend to zero
20.Education will be free. It doesn't make sense to pay a lot for high education
21.Move to the cities will continue because it's more fun, more security, more opportunity to live in a big city
22.Number of Holiday days is going to grow
23.Technology & big data will win over tradition & guessing
24.The countries that vote for less open market policies will suffer and will be poor. It takes time but the result is always the same
25.I don't see a bull market in equities
26.I see bull market in some stock's and companies not markets
27.Since people are flowing to cities the planet says thanks. More forests, more free space etc...

Life has never been better but we have to get busy. There are reasons to get busy, culture, education and many many things are essentially free

enjoy them! 

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