Why using someone with experience if we can use someone that is clueless!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Francisco Carneiro 0 Comments

Think, for example, of the damage done to the governance of Britain by the tradition of moving ministers - the most powerful men and women in the country - from department to department without giving them the opportunity to develop an adequate knowledge base in any of them. It is estimated that the average tenure of a ministerial post in recent years in Britain has been 1.7 years. John Reid, the long serving member of Tony Blair's government, was moved from department to department no less than seven times in seven years.This is no less absurd than rotating Tiger Woods from Golf to football to ice hockey to baseball and expecting him to perform expertly in every arena.

Bounce, The Hidden logic of success, Matthew Syed

what can i say! in my country is very typical of putting someone with zero experience in charge. Rotating people around is other national pastime. BCP one of the biggest banks in Portugal use to do this.

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