How to trade news 101

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Francisco 0 Comments

I read this  from  Gary Savage service

Of course the big question is whether this a game changer for oil? I really don’t have a good answer at this moment. I’m always hesitant to assume a news event will drive markets for anything other than a short term move. Most of the time the world recovers and goes back to doing what it was doing before the event. I suppose it will depend on how long the market thinks it will take for the damage to be repaired and the plants come back on line.

News does not drive markets or prices; it is the markets that drive news 

If you really like to trade news do this

take note of the high and low of the first hour after the news 

after if the market stay 15 minutes above the high or low put a position on the direction of the breakout with a stop in the other side 

i believe this is a low quality trade.

don't trade news, it does not work 

best strategy buy a boring market that is going up
sell a boring market that with no reason is going down. these are quantity trades when no one knows why the market is moving

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