Momentum traders likely had their worst day in a decade

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Francisco 0 Comments

A sudden shift from momentum stocks to value plays could mean investors are betting on higher interest rates.

From Sentiment


What is my take!

Don't bet in the reflation
Technology is deflationary
if there is no war there is deflation
we are in the brink of a slowdown if we are not already in recession
There is a pull to zero because there is more money than opportunities
JCP is not the future for sure

But don't be fooled, this rotation can be nasty, you need to survive this rotation. In order to do that i am recommending 5 things to my clients

1.if you panic panic fast
2."Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm"
  Abraham Lincoln

3.Do a shopping list , if MA (Mastercard)  trades at 250 you buy one unit if it trades at 200 you buy another unit etc...
4.Don't buy JCP it's a lousy future. I have been there 
finally these rotations precede market crashes or Breakouts. In the past mostly good times for the market.

PS Do your list. these opportunities are rare.

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