The only injustice there is in the world

Thursday, October 03, 2019 Francisco 0 Comments

The good student making more money than the bad student is not injustice
The person who works hard making more money than the lazy ok
The person who has no high education and owns a business making more money than a Phd no injustice at all
The person who goes to a new industry making more money than the person who engages in well known profession ok
The student who goes to study something very few people choose making more money than the student who goes to a popular option ok
the person who does something where there are thousands of other people competing for the same job  barely surviving, normal ok

to me the only injustice in the world is the place you are born. If you are born in Africa you have a serious problem. 

If you are born in Europe or US is very possible that you can be a very rich person. many of the biggest companies in the world did not existed 15 years ago!Social mobility is possible desirable and a reality.(look at China)

There are other injustices of course. To be born without good health is one. But to smoke, drink, eat a lot of sugar and do little exercise and have no health it's normal.

another injustice is taxes. if you do well someone robs you success. Income taxes are a big injustice. What is fair is for things to be what they are, for the student who got 90 (in 100) to be 90. If we take 10 points from the good student and now he gets 80 and you give the difference to a bad student that is not fair. That is twisting reality.

On a different note someone asked me what is the source of the this graph below. Here it is with the source in it. it looks like the good old times were not good at all. don't touch don't destroy our system. Apparently the world is going very well. 

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