Is this for Real?

Monday, May 25, 2020 Francisco 1 Comments

“What seems too high and risky to the majority generally goes higher and what seems low and cheap generally goes lower.” – William O’Neil

The Central Bank of Switzerland Buys american companies stocks? Why? Swiss franc is very expensive , SNB does not want it to go higher so they print Swiss Francs and sell them daily. They get USD in exchange. What to do with these USD? They decided to start buying stocks.

Of course this kind of buying in my view does not make sense because entities that can not and should not attend the general shareholders meeting should not own shares at all. If Russia was one of the biggest shareholders in US that would bother a lot of people with reason.

What would happen if the Swiss need to sell and cause a crash?

What happen if one of these companies is accused of some crime/ilicit activity? Can the central Bank support a company that is involved in some illegal activity?

I guess they agree with William O'Neil the IBD founder.

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