Tuesday, December 08, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

 There are many ways to skin a cat as people use to say. One is to buy things that are

a)still unknown;

b)have a new product;

c)and are still small.

if you do that you will have some things going negative, I cut them fast like Barbara Streisand below, but you can have some names that can give you 100 to 1

This is one thing that I do for my clients in our Lisbon Family Office. We try to shoot for the stars. 

Barbra Streisand's Latest Role: Stock Picker "IF I SEE RED, I SELL QUICKLY"
By Jeanne Lee

(FORTUNE Magazine) – So Barbra Streisand was talking with her good friend Donna Karan on the phone last fall, and she told Karan she'd made $130,000 on eBay stock in just one month. Karan was duly impressed. As Streisand tells it, "She said, 'Oh, can you do that for me? I'll give you a million dollars to invest for me.' And I said, 'You're crazy, why would you do that?' She said, 'Well, it sounds like you're making so much money, so do it for me.' So I said, 'I'll do it if you're willing to lose it. Are you willing to lose a million dollars? That's the only way I'm willing to do this.'"

At the outset it looked as if the famed designer would indeed take a big loss. "The first day I bought eBay and Amazon, and they dropped like 20 points each, at least," Streisand recalled recently in an exclusive interview with FORTUNE. "I couldn't even call her, because I was heartsick. I was having heart palpitations.... So I waited till the stock went back up, when I could call her again, and then I said, 'I don't think I can do this'...yet I was fascinated to try." The result was stunning: After five months of intense trading, Streisand managed to nearly double her friend's stake, to $1.8 million.

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