Scott I will sell my Bitcoins to you at 200,000 ! you can double your money still!

Thursday, December 17, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

 Money can be printed, Bitcoin is in short supply and many Bitcoins are lost. when one bitcoin cost USD 6000 I could recommend to  buy some bitcoins and see what was going to happen. Now that a bitcoin is worth north of USD 20,000 it's becoming tricky, only very rich people can buy 1 bitcoin. I guess people will start trading fractions. I still recommend that everybody should have a bit of bitcoin.

Can Bitcoin go trugh the roof? NO 


because I prefer to buy one house than having 2 bitcoins.

when the price reaches 200,000 I will sell my Bitcoins and buy one farm 

I posted this in 2019

Simply put, people want more of those things they can have less of.

When British Airways announced in 2003 that they would no longer be operating the twice daily London—New York Concorde flight because it had become uneconomical to run, sales the very next day took off.

Notice that nothing had changed about the Concorde itself. It certainly didn’t fly any faster, the service didn’t suddenly get better, and the airfare didn’t drop. It had simply become a scarce resource. And as a result, people wanted it more.

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