If we want to curb carbon emissions there are only two ways....

Monday, December 28, 2020 Francisco 0 Comments

 If we want to curb carbon emissions there are only 2 ways

To go Nuclear or to Go poor !

Wind and solar are no alternative they don't move the needle. Each time governments discontinue a nuclear power plant more gas generation is needed. alternative energy is no Alternative. There must be a reason for so much money to Solar & Wind subsidies and it's not because of the envoirment.

“Nuclear is the most effective tool we have to decrease or avoid emissions.”

From FORBES,12:15pm EST|1,387 views

Why Is Solar Energy Getting 250 Times More In Federal Tax Credits Than Nuclear?

The world’s top climatologists have agreed that we will need more nuclear energy – at the gigawatt and terawatt scale — if we are going to have any hope of limiting greenhouse gas emissions. It’s also clear that we must also preserve and extend the operating lives of existing nuclear reactors. That’s not happening. Instead, reactors are being shuttered and their output is being replaced by natural gas-fired generators. 

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