Wars are easy to start but difficult ...

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Francisco 0 Comments

WAR = Inflation

In this Blog I always say that technology is going to kill inflation. The good old times were never better than now etc... I am an optimist. With war we spend  money in stupid things. We will get inflation. 

A plane instead of going direct is going to divert , a boat instead of unloading in Black sea is going to Amsterdam and they goes by truck , etc...

Some people say war is going to stop soon. in WWII Churchill during the first year of the war thought that they were going to get a peace deal really soon. Wars are difficult to stop only when both parties are exhausted. Not yet.  

“Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down.”
― Malcom X

From Jim Bianco Research:

This can be seen here. The only things to beat CPI during WW2 was the CRB and small stocks

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