We are going back to the middle ages

Wednesday, March 09, 2022 Francisco 0 Comments

In hindsight, taking energy advice from a Swedish teenager was a really bad idea.

renewables are nor renewable. You have to replace every 20 years or less

Renewables when everything is done with spare capacity batteries etc... will make energy very expensive

renewables are safe & clean

renewables are not economic they need a lot of room

you don't depend on Russia or Saudi Arabia but you depend on lithium producers, Cobalt, Nickel etc...

Perhaps we are going back to Middle ages in Europe. If we invest 1 and recover 3 in Renewables the countries that invest 1 to reap 30 with oil or Gas or invest 1 to gain 100 in Nuclear will live much better.

A small suggestion would be to do solar only in good places for solar, wind only in good places for wind , nuclear, oil & gas in the transition and of course investments in energy saving technologies.

I mention transition because easy oil & gas are going going extinct soon. We should use this blessing while we can and prepare for a challenging  future.

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