My new book (and the first)

Thursday, December 20, 2012 Francisco Carneiro 3 Comments

I just finish a book with a compilation of the first 10 years of Thought's of the Day. The book it's not for sale, i can't profit from it (in fact i am loosing a lot!). I am figuring out a way to send the book to all the interested without spending more money.

The idea is give the book to friends, family and Colleagues.

I designed the book to be a good read for my kids, i think it's better than an MBA.

The first thought of the book is:

The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
Benjamin Disraeli


  1. Eu quero 1 sff e pago.

  2. Idem, mas não pago....troco por um Shimano XT em segunda mão :) Mário Januário

  3. ....ainda vale como prenda de Natal....troco por Shimano XT em bom estado :) grande abraço, M Januario
