How to be a Superman

Friday, May 26, 2017 Francisco Carneiro 2 Comments

This is absolutely true! I am trying this for a week and the results are amazing! Eat PALIO and you will be a superman. No need to eat only if you want.

Yes. For me it lasts...every day.
I generally have to eat because I know I should instead of because I'm hungry.
Personally, I find it freeing and nice, except on that rare nice night out where the meal is extraordinary and I want to eat more but I feel super full.
[–]KyleGG24/M/5'11" | SW(01/06/2012): 212lb | 
The hunger you are used to is caused by a need for glucose --- low blood sugar.
Blood sugar is strictly regulated on a ketogenic diet, so you just simply do not experience hunger in the same way.


  1. I wonder if that will impact the ability to ingest fuel efficiently when needed? No fuel, no fun...

    1. in racing you can't do that i guess! 72 kg now (too late for the race)
